Italian fusion bassist describes his groundbreaking color-coded scale system

Exclusive interview with FBPO’s Jon Liebman.

Italian-born bassist Alex Lofoco made a powerful debut in 2017, with the release of his first solo album, Beyond. The recording is an exuberant mix of jazz, rock, Latin, funk and heavy metal, featuring a head-turning roster of contributors that includes Jordan Rudess, Marco Minnemann, Eric Marienthal, and Jesús Molina…READ MORE

Let`s put BASS in the spotlight! | STRICTLY BASS LIVE

Join us on Mission BASS Sat 29 May 8pm (CET). A FREE solo bass live streaming event on STRICTLY BASS LIVE show. It is our mission to put bass into the spotlight and dismantle the myth that bass is a “boring/limited” instrument.

In fact, we believe it is one of the most exciting and limitless instruments in existence.

Register for the monthly STRICTLY BASS LIVE shows, and watch two bassists sharing the “stage” to present their solo projects, talk about the future of music and answer your questions.

Register and watch the show at:

Love & Bass ✌

Jaco Pastorius` music | Live streaming Fri 21 May 8pm CET

It is a great honour to be invited as special guest in this live streaming presenting Jaco Pastorius’ discography for Musicoff series ‘Ti Consiglio Un Disco‘. The discussion will revolve around the music and career of the World’s Greatest Bass Player, his style and his approach to the bass. I will be playing some tracks live and analyse his most representative compositions and trademark bass lines.

Read the presentation HERE (

Follow the live streaming on Twich or on Facebook

Jaco Pastorius transcription | All American Alien Boy

Jaco Pastorius has, without a doubt, profoundly changed the way we perceive the electric bass and its role in a band. His distinctive tone, grooves, and solos literally came from another planet – like if he was an Alien Boy – and became so iconic that Jaco had influenced generations of bass players and, I am sure, more to come.

“Jaco opened the door, and we just walked through”.


Read the full article HERE


Alex`s Bass Room | Facebook Group

Welcome to my Bass Room group! This space is intended to primarily share music related content to inspire and help all members to expand and their knowledge of theory, harmony, techniques, gear, tips & tricks.
Although this groups is mainly focussed on the bass guitar, all instruments are welcome as we can all learn from each other.
You can ask questions, look for suggestions and above all share your passion for music.
All points of view are welcome and discussions should lead to a mutual benefit. Irony and humour are accepted, but please keep it healthy and constructive and don’t use them just for the sake of it.
Hope you will enjoy and I’ll see you in!


The many aspects of the Bass | TV Performance at IGT

How to divulge the bass to a wider audience? Take it on the telly! Here’s a very fun and unconvetional experience I had when I showed up at a talent show demonstrating some other ways to make music with just the bass – or like Victor Wooten would say “Me and my Bass Guitar”.
My intent was to share my passion for music with the hope to inspire to play an instrument – preferibly the bass 🙂 – and shed some light on one fundamental instrument which is rarely under the spotlight.

Click HERE to watch most of the performance broadascted on TV8it on 17 February 2021





Very excited to announce the release of this new SCALE COLOUR SYSTEM series book!
For many years I have been using Jaco as a reference to learn and teach aspects of his style. The only instructional video Jaco ever released is gold and, in my opinion, contains more crucial information about the bass than any other resource.
Through thorough analysis the book presents Jaco’s ideas and approach to the bass in a comprehensive manner, using his examples to explain and expand universal concepts on the mechanics of the instrument and a beginner/intermediate approach to harmony and theory.
The brand new transcriptions are enhanced with TABs and the examples are explained and presented through the unique Scale Colour System.
To celebrate Jaco’s legacy, Contemporary Bass Guitar will be released on his birthday on December the 1st!
Now available at


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  • CBG_ex2

    Example 2: The Major Scale

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    Examples 7, 8

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    Bass Harmonics


    Back cover



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Live Streaming Open Class

On Friday 13 November I’ll be joining Bass Your Life Educational for a live streaming  open class at 5pm GMT. I will be talking about the newest Scale Colour System book series CONTEMPORARY BASS GUITAR – Jaco Pastorius and more about the techniques I like to use the most.
Join the lesson and participate with questions or just pop by to say hi on YouTube at

You can read more on Bass Your Life website

Live Stream | Federico Malaman & Alex Lofoco

Due personaggi che nel mondo del basso non hanno bisogno di presentazioni per una diretta interamente dedicata alle corde grosse: Alex Lofoco e Federico Malaman.

Prendiamo subito nota della data: l’appuntamento è fissato per Venerdì 5 giugno alle ore 21:00 sui nostri canali YouTube e Facebook. Sarà una serata in cui questi due incredibili artisti delle basse frequenze ci intratterranno parlando di didattica, di suono, di tecnica e di stile, ma non mancheranno anche delle belle performance a tema e ci sarà come sempre spazio per i commenti degli spettatori da entrambe le piattaforme.

Watch the live stream HERE