This year’s Learn to Play Day will take place on 28 and 29 March at the Music Room London – Denmark St.

This series of events, powered by Music For All, encourage people of all ages and abilities to try out an instrument and have a go at making music, will see music shops, teachers, venues and schools across the UK partnering with musical instrument manufacturers and brands to offer free music taster lessons.

Info and bookings: london@halleonardeurope.com

on The Bassist Podcast #83

I met up with Jayme Lewis from TheBassist.net in Hollywood after the NAMM and we talked about my new projects, discussed about music education, gear, drank cofee and much more…

Visit https://thebassist.net/episode-83-with-alex-lofoco/


Direct link to listen to the podcast


New Interview on Accordo.it

A series of in depth questions on the SCALE COLOUR SYSTEM from the editor of the Italian Accordo.it to discover the process and development of this innovative tool.

“Scale Colour System” è il metodo del bassista Alex Lofoco che si prefigge una via originale e diversa per aiutare i musicisti a imparare le scale. Servendosi dei colori inventa forme e geometrie che aiutano a identificare cromaticamente gli intervalli che caratterizzano e costruiscono le scale. Un proposta didattica coraggiosa che senz’altro meritava un’approfondimento visto il buon successo e interesse che il libro sta raccogliendo. Abbiamo incontrato Alex Lofoco per farci raccontare e spiegare il suo lavoro.


Quali sono le difficolta più frequenti di apprendimento che hai incontrato nello studio delle scale e che ti hanno spronato alla ricerca di una via alternativa di visualizzazione delle scale?
Parlo tanto di di
fficoltà tue, negli anni della tua formazione che riscontrate poi negli allievi.

Credo che l’obiettivo di tutti i musicisti, aspiranti e non, sia quello di poter navigare l’intero strumento con assoluta libertà, consapevolezza e divertirsi a fare musica il prima possibile. Nella mia esperienza come studente prima, e come didatta poi, ho riscontrato diverse tipologie di difficoltà relative a vari aspetti a seconda dell’esperienza e la natura del soggetto in questione. In generale però, mi sembra che i due grossi ostacoli ricorrenti siano di carattere prettamente mnemonico: 1) trovare e ricordarsi la posizione di tutte le note su tutta la tastiera e 2) ricordarsi come muovere le dita nella maniera più appropriata. Ho individuato tre aspetti che regolano l’apprendimento e da cui la memoria attinge: laTecnica/Meccanica, la Teoria e l’Orecchio.


Read the full interview in Italian HERE

UPDATE! Clinic Tour Italy Rescheduled

IMPORTANT UPDATE! The March 2020 clinic dates are rescheduled following the ordinance issued by the Italian Minister of Health regarding the covid2019 epidemiological emergency.


I am delighted and honoured to take part in few clinics in Northern Italy the first week of March. Below the info and contacts to book your slot.

Also as part of the Bassline Academy in Milan I will be available for private tuition on March 6 – contact Bassline Adademy for more info.


March 5 – Accademie Lizard Turin (lizardtorino@gmail.com)

March 6 – Bassline Music Shop Milan (info@bassline.it)

March 7-8 – Guitar Show Padua (info GuitarShow)



Read more about the Scale Colour System

Also read the artcle on MusicOff.com



Scale Colour System method will be soon available also in Spanish. Sold in over 30 countries worldwide this inovative system is to be translated in multi languages. Preorder copies are available at discounted 15% off.

The Spanish edition will be available in December 2019. The preordered copies at discounted price will be the first ones to be shipped worldwide. Check the Shop to find more and book your copy.






Musika Expo 2019 on October 20th. The biggest music event in Central and Southern Italy will take place in Rome at the Palazzo Dei Congressi. A unique day with over 200 brands exhibiting in over 3000 square meters and dozens of leve performances, demos and workshops dedicated to musicians and music lovers.

Alex will be hosting a clinic in collaboration with Dogal Strings at 3:30pm at Spazio Demo 14.

PowerDuo Bass Clinic Tour

A Power Bass Duo Clinic held by two of the most active bass players in the European scene to inspire and develop music creativity on the electric bass. Touring Swizterland, Italy, The Netherlands.

REMCO HENDRIKS and ALEX LOFOCO present a Masterclass open to all levels displaying their techniques applied on a Bass Duo and Solo Bass line-up context. Their personal styles complement each other and create rhythmical wall of sound to build arrangements and improvisations.

Analising all aspects of music applied to the electric bass, from the technique to the interplay and the use of the gear, the clinic creates a bridge between the primary role of the bass as part of the rhythm section and the advanced concepts of solo bass arrangements.

All the elements presented in the lesson are the results of Alex and Remco’s personal techniques and their experience as session player, soloist and educators.

The mastercalss will include aspects of:

√  Technique and Mechanics
Slap &Double Thumbing
        Lobster Claw Technique
√  Groove and Feel
Dynamic, Ghost Notes & Muting
√  Harmony & Theory√  Solo Bass Composition
Free-flow Improvisation
        Practical Music Philosophy
√  Sound and Gear

Tour Dates
June 14 – Zurich, (CH)
June 15 – Neuchatel, (CH)
June 19 – TBC, Bologna (IT)
June 21 – TBC, Rome (IT)
June 22 – Bassline Music Shop, Milan (IT)
June 26 – Zinder Podium, Tiel (NL)